Selasa, 28 Januari 2014

Weirdest Cats:

Check Out the Weirdest and Most Bizarre Cats Ever Seen
venus chimera two faced cat 1 Weirdest Cats Pictures Seen on
 Among the weirdest cats, we found some really amazing cats like Venus the Chimera Cat with two very different faces, but also even more weird cats from around the world. Let�s have a look at some cool videos and pictures of the world�s weirdest cats.
1. Venus the two-faced chimera cat:
venus chimera two faced cat 2 Weirdest Cats Pictures Seen on
Meet Venus, a cat who it literally two faced. At first sight, you might say that the pictures are photoshopped, but we�re here to tell you that this weird kitty actually exists in real life, and we even have the video to prove it.
venus chimera two faced cat 4 Weirdest Cats Pictures Seen on
In the picture above you can see Venus when he was just a lil� kitten� This odd cat is known as a chimera cat due to it�s weird genetic composition: her genes are composed of two or more different populations of genetically distinct cells that originated from different zygotes, hence her weird appearance. She has two faces perfectly divided down the middle of her face.
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Thanks to her weird appearance, Venus has quickly taken over the internet (or shall we say, the world). She also has to different eye colors: her right eye is green, while her left is blue. The colors are in accordance with her face: which is half black with one green eye and half calico with one blue eye.
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And below you can see a few videos of the amazing and weird two-faced cat: Venus:

2. Weird Looking Cats:
Weird looking cat 1 Weirdest Cats Pictures Seen on
This cat was seen and photographed in south-eastern Yemen, on a construction site. The bizarre looking cat is larger than a normal domestic cat, it has a short, bobbed tail, and strange, tatty little ears which can either be due to illness or just damaged by the cat�s adventures.
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And below is another odd looking cat:
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3. Lil Bub � the strangely deformed but cute cat
Lil Bub 3 Weirdest Cats Pictures Seen on
Despite being a little deformed, Bub enjoys life to the fullest. He is a permanent kitten-size cat, and even tho he looks strange, he fills up his owners� house with joy. See more pictures and videos of him below.
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Lil Bub 2 Weirdest Cats Pictures Seen on
Lil Bub 4 Weirdest Cats Pictures Seen on
4. Oldest Two-Faced Cat Still Alive: Frank and Louie:
frank and louie  Weirdest Cats Pictures Seen on
Frank and Louie are the �longest surviving Janus cat�, meaning a cat with two faces literally! In medical terms, the two-faced feline suffers from a rare congenital condition called cranio-facial duplication, or diprosopia, which causes one part or all of an individual�s face to be duplicated on its head. 
5. Lola the Handstand Cat
Lola the Handstand Cat Weirdest Cats Pictures Seen on
Meet Lola, a kitten that defies all odds and she even defies gravity� She has a congenital defect: her hein legs are paralyzed, and are twice as long as they should be, but that doesn�t stop her! Check out her full story in the video below:
6. World�s Ugliest Cat
world s ugliest cat 1 Weirdest Cats Pictures Seen on
Nope, this is not a hoax� Uggs (short for Ugly) is the star of the town he lives in, and all because of his gruesome looks� he has been dubbed the world�s ugliest cat, and after you take one look at the pictures and videp, you�ll see why.
Worlds Ugliest Cat 2 Weirdest Cats Pictures Seen on

7. Rocky The Standing Cat
Rocky The Standing Cat Weirdest Cats Pictures Seen on
You don�t need to adjust your screen, this is indeed a standing cat� He can stand for a full minute, and you wouldn�t even notice him moving. Check out a video about him below, and watch Rocky stand:
8. Cat with the Golden Fangs
Cat with the Golden Fangs Weirdest Cats Pictures Seen on
Feline fangs are supposed to curl inwards, but Sebastian�s canines were curled outwards, so he received a tooth implant� two golden canines were implanted in Sebastian�s lower jaw, see the procedure below:
9. World�s First Bionic Cat
Worlds First Bionic Cat Weirdest Cats Pictures Seen on
This cat was a medical break-through! Check him out below:

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